I credit Paul with enabling me to ‘find myself’ again. By about age 57 I’d put on so much weight, I found exercise painful and difficult. And I was eating what I now acknowledge to be a very poor diet. I had a stressful job which I wasn’t managing well and I really didn’t know where to start.
— Tracey (over 33kgs lost - 5 stone)
  • I was trapped in a vicious circle of attempting to walk/run more and work out - but feeling disheartened and depressed (and consequently comfort eating) because I was unable to keep up with others in group sessions, and my physique prevented me from doing the things which I used to really enjoy - like dancing and aerobics. Consequently, I was deriving little pleasure (and a lot of frustration/disappointment) from any activities I attempted.

    Paul encouraged me to do the things I COULD do and also helped me understand the toll stress and anxiety was taking on me – hijacking my attempts to change. In those early days, his role as support Coach was as important as any guidance he gave around regaining fitness. Whilst initially adamant I wasn’t going to change my eating patterns – my one joy in life, he gradually introduced the concept of intolerance and helped me to understand my constant hunger and cravings were sabotaging any chance of losing weight. My body was in an inflamed state, I was ‘addicted’ to sugar/white carbs and I was focused on calorie counting rather than good nutrition. By regaining control over my diet and addressing specific intolerances, weight loss became almost easy - and strength, mobility and stamina training was gradually more doable. So health improvements were exponential.

    I was initially concerned about the cost of personal training – it seemed such an indulgence! However, when I faced up to the fact that getting back to the real me was the most important goal in my life, for the cost of a holiday – or home improvements, why on earth wouldn’t I invest in myself – the most important ‘real estate’ any of us have?

    Firstly working with Paul one-to-one and then eventually joining his outdoor group sessions (which is frankly way better than any sweaty, crowded gym) maintenance is both cost-effective and enjoyable. At the beginning of my journey with Paul I didn’t have the confidence, nor ability to become part of these friendly and very inclusive groups. However, Paul’s focus on adaptation is evident in these sessions too. They’re aimed at all ages and abilities and I never once felt useless even when I was easily the slowest/least able in the group.

    Paul encourages realistic change for life. Not quick fix solutions. He has taught me the importance of holistic health. And the fact that your mindset – and indeed your mind (and of course your brain) is often the most important organ in your body when it comes to good health!

Wintertime is usually a difficult time of year for me. By the end of 2021 my weight had reached 109kgs (over 17 stone). I decided it was time to change. I had seen Paul’s details online (saving them in case I was brave enough to pursue the idea).
— Tim (15kgs lost - over 2.5 stone)
  • So, in early January 2022, I arranged a meet-up with Paul, and together we identified the goals I wanted to achieve, while also discussing my current activities, lifestyle and eating patterns.

    Initially, I started with Paul’s 6-week starters programme. We met twice a week for additional motivation and mindset training, while he introduced me to the benefits of using a rowing machine and TRX suspension training for the purposes of aerobic and resistance/strength exercise. We also worked on mobility to reduce tension while I incorporated my usual walks with friends.

    By Easter, I was ready to learn more about what I was eating, while restoring respect for my body. I was ready to tackle Paul’s ‘body reset’ eating programme. This wasn’t easy to start with – but it kickstarted further weight-loss and helped me improve my eating habits.

    Eight months later I feel more motivated and more positive. I still have occasional ‘down days’ but overall I am happier in myself.

    I have maintained a steady weight-loss (even with holidays in between). To date, I have lost 15kgs of weight (nearly 2.5 stone) and am still happily continuing with sustainable fitness goals.

    I’ve even purchased my own rowing (erg) machine and suspension trainer to assist me along the way.

When I first met Paul I was 14 stone - obese, tired all the time and found it hard to exercise because of painful knees. I have previously yo-yo dieted for years where I lost weight and then put it back on plus more. I have lost 3 stone in one year - something I had previously thought impossible.
— Orla (19kgs lost - 3 stone)
  • When I first met Paul I was 14 stone - obese, tired all the time and found it hard to exercise because of painful knees. I am a mother of two girls (one with additional needs) so time to exercise was limited. Paul introduced me to a variety of exercises including TRX - which took the pressure of my joints.

    He also introduced me to a nutrition reset method – where the results were amazing! I have previously yo-yo dieted for years where I lost weight and then put it back on plus more.

    I have lost 3 stone in one year - something I had previously thought impossible (especially with going through the menopause as weight loss becomes harder). My goal was to get my BMI from obese to a healthy weight - which I am still working on.

    Paul encouraged me to start running - something I’ve never done before. This was my life-saver during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns as it gave me head space when all the family were working at home. It also meant I could fit in exercise at a time convenient to me. I find I am much happier in myself as I now make time for me and as a result am more patient with the girls and my husband!

    Paul taught me how to set good habits into your everyday life - like when you are going to exercise/ how many times a week and making healthier food / drink choices so when you want to celebrate with friends and family you can.

    Paul always made me feel my goals were achievable and made each training session fun but pushed me when I needed it. If you follow his training regime you will see amazing results. Can’t thank you enough Paul! Description text goes here

Last year I worked closely with Paul and lost 2 stone, which was amazing and helped both my fitness levels and also my mental health, having a more positive outlook on my appearance. I have always struggled with weight loss, particularly finding the right plan and process for me and Paul has helped guide me and show me that there are different ways to lose weight and other factors to consider than just calories consumed.
— Emma
  • Over the years and certainly since starting one-to-one sessions not only has my fitness improved but the other areas of health have certainly developed. I am much more aware of the mental health benefits that’s exercise brings me and also the need to have a much improved work/life balance which is something I am working on at the moment.

    During my one to one sessions, Paul introduced me to rowing, something I had never thought to spend much focus on. Since then I have improved my fitness levels and my rowing abilities considerably and this is now one of my favourite forms of exercise and I achieved my goal of a sub 8 minute 2000m row.

    Paul takes the time to get to know your strengths and weaknesses, how much he can push you and what motivates you the most. This means he is able to get a lot more out of each session with you and really help you to achieve goals and milestones.

Meet with Paul to take the next step